Happy Purim
Card by Sendcere
Printing Instructions:
- Print this page
- Cut along the outer edges
- Fold in half vertically (top to bottom)
- Fold in half horizontally (left to right)
🎠Vivid Festival Masks & Symbols 🎉
This e-card captures the vibrant spirit of a festival, with an array of colorful masks and symbols. The central focus is a large, ornate purple mask, adorned with gold stars and accents. Surrounding this mask are various other masks and elements, each telling its own story. A rainbow arches over the scene, adding to the festive atmosphere. Colorful candles, triangles, and even a dreidel hint at the diverse cultural influences of the festival. The background is a rich, purple hue that ties everything together. This e-card is perfect for celebrating the diversity and joy of any festival or celebration. 🎊